GLIMMER (aka Summerdown Chronicles)

Digital photographic images. Found objects, foods, material, and mirrors. 2022.

Like many people with direct heritage or connection to a European country, the wake of the UK's vote to leave the European Union led to a sense of disenfranchisement with the country of my birth. I began to wonder if nature and the landscape could be a kind of holding place for deeper narratives of belonging and identity that had suddenly been brought into question. As the fallout of the vote grew and changed the country indelibly, I took food, found objects, and mementoes and left them in the environment around the Sussex Downs - 'rediscovering’ them again after time and the elements had left their marks on them. I then photographed them in-situ using mirrors as surfaces and to reflect the surrounding environment and create their own inferred narratives and relationships between object, personal history, and the land.

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